# Validation

Based on popular Joi (opens new window) validation library.

Assumes that you don't need to have joi as your dependency, but just use convenience methods from nodejs-lib (and use exported Joi, which is extended with all the extensions and defaults documented below). Do not import joi directly, otherwise you lose these defaults and extensions.

Default options:

  • presense: required - all declared fields are required by default
  • convert: true
  • allowUnknown: true
  • stripUnknown:
    • objects: true
    • arrays: false


  • Strings are trimmed by default
  • Treats empty strings ''' as empty/undefined
  • dateString stringSchema extension to validate ISO8601 dates
  • dividable numberSchema extension to validate divide-ability

Does some processing of the Error thrown:

  • Includes objectName (if provided), otherwise tries to detect "classname" (doing value?.constructor?.name).
  • Includes objectId if it can be detected (id field of an object passed). Useful e.g in db-lib CommonDao methods.
  • Truncates error message to 1000 characters.
  • Truncates err.details to max 5 items

# validate

  • Validates with Joi.
  • Throws JoiValidationError if invalid.
  • Returns converted value.
  • If schema is undefined - returns value as is.
validate('abc', stringSchema)
// 'abc' (returns as is)

validate(5, stringSchema)
// '5' (converts to string)

validate({}, stringSchema)
// throws JoiValidationError

# convert

Does Joi-conversion, regardless of error/validity of value. Invalid values return undefined.

convert(5, stringSchema)
// '5' (valid, converted)

convert({}, stringSchema)
// undefined (invalid, does not throw)

# getValidationResult

  • Validates with Joi.
  • Returns JoiValidationResult with converted value and error (if any).
  • Does not throw.

If schema is undefined - returns value as is.

getValidationResult('5', stringSchema)
// { value: '5', error: undefined }

getValidationResult({}, stringSchema)
// { error: ..., value: undefined }

# isValid

  • Validates the value and returns boolean.
  • Does not throw.
  • Converted valid values are still considered valid.
isValid('5', stringSchema) // true
isValid(5, stringSchema) // still true, cause it can be converted to '5'

# undefinedIfInvalid

  • Validates the value.
  • Valid value is returned as is.
  • Invalid value is returned as undefined without throwing an error.
undefinedIfInvalid('5', stringSchema)
// '5' as is, because it's valid

undefinedIfInvalid({}, stringSchema)
// undefined, because value is invalid

# JoiValidationResult

interface JoiValidationResult<T = any> {
  value: T
  error?: JoiValidationError

TODO: can be replaced by a Tuple of [error, value] in the future.

# JoiValidationError

import { ValidationErrorItem } from 'joi'

interface JoiValidationErrorData extends ErrorData {
  joiValidationErrorItems: ValidationErrorItem[]
  joiValidationObjectName?: string
  joiValidationObjectId?: string

# dateString

interface SomeObject {
  date: string // e.g `2021-06-21`

const schema = objectSchema<SomeObject>({
  date: stringSchema.dateString(),
  // same as:
  // date: dateStringSchema,


  • min
  • max

# dividable

Book example - number schema extension to test divide-ability.

const schema = numberSchema.dividable(15)

# Common validation schemas

Most of these are just conveniently defined/exported schemas, so you don't have to import Joi object.

They are also conveniently typed, so validation functions can automatically defer the output type based on these schemas (unlike default Joi typings that don't support "typed schemas" at all ATM).

  • booleanSchema
  • stringSchema
  • numberSchema
  • integerSchema
  • percentageSchema - integer from 0 to 100 included
  • dateStringSchema
  • binarySchema
  • urlSchema - defaults to require https protocol
  • arraySchema - e.g: arraySchema(stringSchema)
  • objectSchema - e.g objectSchema<SomeInterface({ date: dateSchema })
  • anySchema
  • anyObjectSchema - does stripUnknown: false hence permits any keys
  • idSchema - 6-64 chars of alphanumeric plus underscore: /^[a-z0-9_]*$/
  • unixTimestampSchema - allows values from 0 to a timestamp that represents 2500-01-01
  • emailSchema - standard Joi's, does TLD validation by default, adds lowercase()
  • semVerSchema
  • utcOffsetSchema
  • ipAddressSchema