# fs

  • Dead simple (see examples), minimalistic
  • Provides both CLI and API (so you don't need 2 separate packages)
  • Provides Typescript typings (so you don't need 3 separate packages)
  • Relies on proven lower-level libs (globby, cp-file, yargs)
  • Report progress to STDOUT by default (unless --silent is used)

Just run kpy help to see CLI options.

# API commands

  • kpy - copy/move files/folders
  • del - delete files/folders


kpy <baseDir> <pattern1> <pattern2> ... <outputDir>

# Example, copy all from `test` to `out`:

kpy test out

# Example, copy all `*.txt` file from `test`, except `one.txt` to `out`:

kpy test '**/*.txt' '!**/one.txt' out


  • --silent - don't output anything
  • --verbose - report progress on every file
  • --dotfiles - include files starting with .
  • --no-overwrite - don't overwrite
  • --flat - flatten the output folders
  • --dry - don't copy (useful for debugging)
  • --move - move files instead of copy
  • help - show available options

# Why

cpy has issue with --cwd, --parents. --parents should be default, and cwd is confusing.

cpx is amazing, but doesn't support multiple globs and therefore negation globs (e.g test/* !test/one.txt)

# Example 1

Copy all files/dirs while keeping directory structure from test/* to out.

Simple, right?

# cpy

cpy ** ../out --cwd test --parent

Possible, but not trivial to figure out ..out, --cwd, etc.

# cpx

cpx out test

Works really well here!

# Example 2

Copy all files/dirs while keeping directory structure from test/*.txt to out, excluding one.txt.

Simple, right?

# cpy

cpy ** !**/one.txt ../out --cwd test --parent

Possible, but not trivial to figure out ..out, --cwd, etc.

# cpx

Not possible to exclude 😦

# del

This package also provides del cli (api similar and inspired by del (opens new window).


# Delete everything under `dist`, including `dist`:
del dist

# Delete everything under `dist`, NOT including `dist` (important to quote globs!):
del 'dist/**'

# Delete all .json files under `dist`:
del 'dist/**/*.json'

# Delete all, but .json files under `dist`:
del dist '!**/*.json'

# Delete folders `a`, `b` and `c`:
del a b c